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Cogito Ergo Sum- I Think, Therefore I Am.

Fri 21 Oct 2022
  • Category: Evolving Minds
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Cogito Ergo Sum- I Think, Therefore I Am.

In our endeavour to justly portray the various stressors that unsettle our generation, we conducted a survey by posing 10 questions to students of Classes 6, 8, 10 and 12. Our objective was to translate our findings into listing the triggers that we believe are instrumental in shaping the thought processes of this generation. Responses to this questionnaire were insightful and gave us a better understanding of how we, along with other members of the Gen Z, view this world.

  • Overburdened

Academic pressure is often directly related to the level in which the student studies. Younger students are less likely to experience academic stress. For the board batches the pressure increases manifold. A common notion is that parents and teachers play a first- hand role in imposing academic stress on students. This notion is partly true but again they are not solely responsible. Academic stress also stems from the psyche of students who often link their self-worth to the marks they secure and make them directly proportional to each other.

We have been accused of being undisciplined, dishonest and disobedient- the burden now is to shake off that disrepute and regain our lost glory

  • So how much did you get?

Comparison is an inescapable human folly and it translates among students as well. Comparison of grades is common in friend groups. In younger classes this comparison is light hearted and holds less significance. But with time as marks take more priority, the comparison intensifies. Having said that, the company a person keeps has a significant impact on the degree of pressure imposed and one’s ability to cope with it. Close friends usually help reduce the pressure and motivate each other. While some see their marks as a metric of their social standing in school others feel a person’s personality and charm define his/her popularity and academic performance could be slightly compromised with once in a while.

So how much did you get? Well, who cares dude?

  • The online offline debate

The Covid-19 pandemic caused a dramatic change in our education system and resulted in the emergence of online learning. When asked about the pros and cons of online learning, most students felt that online interactions cannot match direct supervision and guidance of teachers. Moreover, the online mode of learning often led to feelings of isolation due to lack of physical interactions with friends causing social anxiety. Board batches specifically felt the disadvantages of online learning which resulted in reduced attention span. However, the cons notwithstanding, many think the online mode helped them explore various hobbies which would otherwise have been neglected.

Do you realise how we have all become bakers, gardeners and DIY queens par excellence during the lockdown?

  • Big Time Screen Time

For most of the Class 6’s, their screen time is monitored by their parents and is limited between 1-2 hours which is spent on YouTube and online games. Screen Time increases with age as students get addicted to social media platforms. For some, regularly checking their phone becomes an uncontrollable habit as FOMO sets in. Most realise the fault in their ways and strive to lower their screen time.

However, we like to believe that screentime is not always equal to social media. Believe us when we say that we study there!!?

  • In House; Out House

The question regarding house spirit in school invites polarising views. Among the 6’s, house spirit is quite high courtesy the regular inter house competitions. Sometimes house spirit remains high throughout school but for many studies take priority. Increased academic pressure reduces the willingness to participate. But hey!

Come December, come Sports Day and then voila- the metamorphosis begins! The sun looks yellower, the grass greener, the sky bluer and the blood redder- Go Pallavas! Go Mauryas! Go Chalukyas! Go Kushans! The House Spirit peaks and how.

  • BFF

When asked who they like to spend time with- family or friends, students feel it is easier to have conversations with friends due to similar mindsets. Older students feel parents usually talk about studies which becomes mentally tiring. Also, communication becomes difficult due to the generational gap. Despite this, parents and friends occupy different places in a student’s life- family provides us with the safety net and emotional support whereas friends help us let loose and navigate difficult times.

So fam jam or sleepover with friends? Nah! No ‘or’ please! We want both!

  • Dumb Dodos? Not really!

Elders often feel children do not understand the importance of education. But this belief might be incorrect. Even younger students now have an aim in life and understand its value. With growing exposure to the world, students realise the value of education in imparting confidence and independence to youngsters that help them prosper as adults. The responses effectively communicate the point that young students know the importance of education.

We Have a Dream, a song to sing

To help us cope, with anything We can see the wonder, of a fairy tale

We can take the future, even if we fail!

(lyrics slightly edited to make it fit)

  • Stressed spelt backwards is Desserts!

Many students prefer to spend their spare time reading books which they find relaxing. At the same time, some of them play sports to loosen up and experience a rush of endorphins. Older students are inclined to use their electronic devices, like laptops and mobile phones, to watch shows and movies on various streaming services. Some even find journaling as an excellent way of destressing.

We love finding calm in chaos.

  • To Ma’am, With Love!

All of us agree that teachers significantly impact our minds. They influence our likes and dislikes and help us decide our favourite subjects. Our survey says that teachers tend to be friendlier and more patient with younger students but are stricter with the older lot.

Oh to blow bubbles again; to skip down the street again, to be the birthday girl in coloured clothes again; to be a kid again..

Aah! To be the TEACHER’S favourite again!!

  • Looking up to you!

When asked about their role models, young students consider their parents their paragons. Children are greatly influenced by their parents and appreciate their sacrifices and hard work. But the older we get, the more we gravitate towards celebrities.

It is cool to be influenced by influencers! Well not the serious ones but the social media ones who become our gurus and our guides!

– Saanvi Jain, Aditi Das, Nitya Mall, Annanya Saraff(Art), Drishti Beriwala(Art)

"To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal." - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

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