

Classes VI – XII Sports Activity 

Dear Parents,

We would like to offer the following sports activities to the students of Classes VI to XII in the academic session 2025 – 2026. Details are as follows:








Monday, Wednesday and Friday


 7:15 am to 8:30 am



Tuesday & Thursday



VI to X




7:15 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.



Table Tennis

VI to X

 Tuesday & Wednesday

 7:15 am to 8:30 am



VI to X


 7:15 am to 8:30 am


In case your daughter is interested in joining any of these activities, please fill in the form attached and submit it to her class teacher by Wednesday, 2nd April 2025. These activities will commence soon. 

Please make a note of the following:

  1. Students who have been attending these activities in the academic session 2024-25 have to re-register themselves for the coming year.

Yours truly,

K. Dey



I would like my daughter ________________________________of Class _______ Section _____ to join the _________________________________.



(Parent’s Signature)

Classes VI – IX Sports Activity 

Dear Parents,

We would like to offer Archery as a sport activity to the students of Classes VI to IX in the academic session 2025 – 2026. 

This activity is conducted by Dola and Rahul Banerjee Sports Foundation.







VI to IX

Monday and Tuesday

2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Annual charge of Rs.5400/- 

In case your daughter is interested in joining this activity, please fill in the form attached and submit it to her class teacher by Wednesday, 2nd April 2025. 

Please make a note of the following:

  1. Students who have been attending this activity in the academic session 2024-25 have to re-register themselves for the coming year.
  2. The payment details for the Archery activity will be intimated in due course.

Yours truly,

K. Dey



I would like my daughter ________________________________of Class _______ Section _____ to join the ______________________________________.


(Parent’s Signature)

Classes II, III & IV

Dear Parents,

Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s new class teacher on Monday, 24.03.2025 any time between 9:00 am and 10:00 am for the following: 

  • Return your daughter’s old I.D. Card and receive the new one for the session 2025-26.

  • Submit the photocopies of your daughter’s signed report cards – Term 1 and Term 2. 

Thanking you,

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

Class I

Dear Parents,

Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Class II class teacher on Monday, 24.03.2025 any time between 9:00 am and 10:00 am for the following: 

  • Submit your daughter’s old ID Card and receive the new ID card for the session 2025 - 26.
  • Submit
  1. All exercise books as mentioned in the booklist. 

  2. The exercise books need not be covered.

  3. The student’s name, class & section must be written on the exercise books with a CD marker pen.

  4. English and Number work workbooks. (covered and labelled)

  5. Plastic Folder (Paste a label on the folder with the child’s name, class and section)

  • Parents must carry a CD marker pen with them. 

Please note:

  • Text books are to be covered and labelled.
  • One pencil pouch containing 4 sharpened pencils, one eraser and a ruler and a separate pencil pouch containing colour pencils must be brought to school every day.

Thank you

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

Upper K.G.

Dear Parents,

Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Class I class teacher on Monday, 24.03.2025 any time between 9:00 am and 10:00 am for the following: 

  1. Submit your daughter’s old ID Card and receive the new ID card for the session 2025 - 26.

  2. Submit all exercise books as mentioned in the booklist.

  3. The exercise books need not be covered.

  4. The student’s name, class & section must be written on the exercise books with a marker pen. Do not write the subject. 

  5. Submit the following workbooks: (covered and labelled with a marker pen)

  • Together with Mathematics Buzz – Book 1

  • Great Fun with Grammar – Part 1

  1. All text books are to be covered and labelled with a marker pen. 

Please note:  Items to be sent to school every day:

  • One pencil pouch containing 4 sharpened pencils, one eraser and a ruler. 

  • A separate pouch containing colour pencils.

  • Plastic Folder (labelled with the student’s name, class and section using a black marker pen). 

Thank you

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

Lower K.G. 

Dear Parents,

Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Upper KG class teacher on Monday, 24.03.2025 any time between 9:00 am and 10:00 am for the following: 

  • Submit your daughter’s old ID Card and receive the new ID card for the session 2025 - 26.
  • Submit the following books and stationery items:
  1. All textbooks are to be covered [(i) Rhymes and Songs & (ii) Stories from Hop, Skip and Jump series need not be covered].

  2. Drawing book  is to be covered.

  3. All Exercise books - These books need not be covered. 

  4. Fevicol

  5. Paint brush

  6. Submit the signed photocopies of your daughter’s report cards (Term 1 and Term 2)


  • All books and stationery items are to be labelled with the child’s name, class and section using a black marker pen.
  • Items to be sent to school every day:
  • A pencil pouch containing 3 sharpened pencils, an eraser and a ruler

  • A separate pouch containing crayons and colour pencils

  • Plastic jacket

  • School diary

Thank you

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

Upper Nursery 

Dear Parents,

Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Lower KG class teacher on Monday, 24.03.2025 any time between 9:00 am and 10:00 am for the following: 

Dear Parents,

  • Submit your daughter’s old ID Card and receive the new ID card for the session 2025 - 26.
  • Submit the following books and stationery items:
  1.   All books are to be covered [(i) Rhymes and Songs & (ii) Stories from  Hop, Skip and Jump series need not be covered].

  2.   Drawing book and Scrapbook - These books are to be covered.

  3.   Exercise books - These books need not be covered. 

  4.   Fevicol

  5.   Paint brush

  6.   A4 Blank white sheets 

  7.   Submit the signed photocopies of your daughter’s report cards (Term 1 and Term 2)



  • All books and stationery items are to be labelled with the child’s name, class and section using a black marker pen.
  • Items to be sent to school every day:
  • A pencil pouch containing 3 sharpened pencils, an eraser and a ruler

  • A separate pouch containing crayons and colour pencils

  • Plastic jacket

  • School diary

Thank you

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

Classes I – V (Participants- Prize Day)

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, your daughter is participating in the Prize Day Programme to be held on Friday, 21st March 2025.

 Please note her school timings on the following days:

Days and Dates


Wednesday, 5th March 2025 to Friday, 7th March 2025

8:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Monday, 10th March 2025 to Wednesday, 12th March 2025

8:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Monday,17th March 2025 - Tuesday , 18th March 2025

8:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Wednesday, 19th March 2025

Dress Rehearsal  

8:15 a.m. to 12 noon

Thursday, 20th March 2025 

8:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Friday, 21st March 2025

Annual Day and Prize Distribution Ceremony

8:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


  • Participants are to report on Wednesday, 19th March 2025, in their respective costumes and light make up.
  • Participants are to report on Friday, 21st March 2025, in their respective costumes and light make up.
  • Participants who are prize winners on Friday, 21st March 2025, will receive prizes in their school uniform. Please label their uniform and shoes so that they can be identified.
  • Dispersal on all days will be against their ID Cards from school. 

Thank you,

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

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