

Classes VI - VIII

Dear Parents,

This is to inform you that the students of Science and Nature Hobby Activity will go on a  bird-watching excursion to ‘Lions Safari Park’, Rabindra Sarobar on Thursday, 5th December 2024. The students must reach the said venue at 6.15 am sharp and report to the teachers-in-charge. After dispersal at 8.30 am, the students must use their own conveyance to reach school and report to the teachers-in-charge. The filled in consent form for the same must be submitted to the respective Class Teachers by Monday, 2nd December 2024.

Thank you,
Yours sincerely,

K Dey



I agree to send my daughter ________of Class ___ Section __ to ‘Lions Safari Park’, Rabindra Sarobar on Thursday, 5th December 2024.         


                                                                            Parent’s Signature

NB: While all reasonable measure and care for the safety of the students will be taken by the school, the Management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by bus during such excursions or in case of any accident, theft, personal injury and/or illness.

Lower Nursery – Class V 

Dear Parents,

We will be having Open House on Thursday, 05.12.2024. 

The Class Teacher will be sending you a separate notice in the school diary to indicate the time you should meet her. Since this is an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the child’s progress, we expect that both parents will attend. 

Regular classes will not be held but your daughter must accompany you in school uniform.

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

Classes X and XII

Dear Parents,

It has come to our notice that in the past academic session senior students had organized a ‘Batch Party’ in a city hotel and given their parents to understand that this party had the sanction of the school. 

We would like to inform you that Sushila Birla Girls’ School is not involved in any capacity in organizing such an event outside the school premises for students of Classes X and XII.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

K Dey

Classes X and XII

Dear Parents,

Please make a note of the schedule to be followed by the students of Classes X and XII. Students need not come to school on the days when no examination or activity is slated.

6th  December 2024                 -           Last working day before Pre-Board / Selection Examinations for Classes X and XII

10th to 18th December 2024      -           Pre-Board Examinations for Class X 


2nd  to 6th January 2025           -           Selection Examinations – Class XII (Theory)

7th   to 10th January 2025         -           Selection Examinations – Class XII (Practicals)

10th January 2025                    -            Pre-Board Examination answer scripts will be shown to Class X.  Timings : 8:15 am to 12:30 pm

13th January 2025                    -            Selection Examination answer scripts will be shown to Class XII.  Timings : 8:15 am to 1:15 pm

28th January 2025                    -            Uploading and visibility of report cards for Classes X and XII

29th January 2025                    -           Classes X & XII to be in school from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm to collect report cards.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

K Dey

Classes VI – VIII

Dear Parents,

This is to inform you that all students of Classes VI and VII and members of the Science and Nature Team from Class VIII will be taken on an educational excursion to the Botanical Garden, Howrah on Wednesday, 27.11.2024. Dispersal will take place from school at the usual time.

While students may carry food with them, care must be taken to ensure that it is not packed in single use plastic container/packet as this is prohibited at the venue.

Kindly submit the duly signed consent form to the Class Teacher by 26.11.2024.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

K Dey




I agree to send my daughter _______________________of Class _____ Section ___ to the Botanical Garden on Wednesday, 27th November 2024.


Parent’s Signature


NB: While all reasonable measure and care for the safety of the students will be taken by the school, the Management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by bus during such excursions or in case of any accident, theft.

Classes VI – XII

Dear Parents,

Please note the followings changes due to Annual Sports Practice :

  1. All sports activities will remain suspended from 20th November to  20th December 2024 except Yoga, Archery and Lawn Tennis

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

K Dey 

Classes IX and XI
Dear Parents, 
We are pleased to announce that a Career Counselling session has been organised for the students of Classes IX and XI.  Please note the following  :
Date :  20th November 2024
Time :  1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Venue : Vidya Mandir Auditorium
Resource Person : Mr Abhishek Gupta
The session aims to guide our students and parents in making informed decisions about the future careers and admissions. Kindly make it convenient to attend the same along with your daughter. 
Students will have regular classes on that day,  20th November 2024.
Thank you for your continued support. 
Yours sincerely, 
K Dey

Classes II – V 

Dear Parents, 

Please note the following changes due to the Annual Sports practice: 

  1. Bulbuls, Table Tennis, Basketball and Skating afternoon classes for the students of classes III to V will remain suspended from Monday, 18th November to Friday, 20th December 2024. 
  2. Morning Basketball classes for the students of classes IV and V will remain suspended from Wednesday, 20th November to Friday, 20th December 2024. 
  3. However, Lawn Tennis, Archery, Kinderuni and Yoga Activity classes for the students of classes III to V will continue as per schedule. 

Thank you, 

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs. V. Panja

Lower K.G.

Dear Parent,

We are delighted to invite you to our Lower K.G. Concert ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ to be held on Friday, 22nd November 2024 at the Centre for Performing Arts (CPA) at 10:00 am.

Please find attached an e-invitation to the event.

Kindly be seated in the CPA by 9:45 a.m.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. V. Panja


Click here to download the e-invite.

Lower K.G.   

Dear Parent,

As you are aware, your daughter is a part of the Lower KG Concert to be held in school on Friday, 22nd November 2024.  

Please note the following with regard to the same:

  1. Your daughter has to report to school at 8:30 a.m. She will be dismissed against her ID Card at the end of the programme.

  2. She should come dressed in her costume and apply makeup as instructed by the class teacher. 

  3. She should carry her water bottle only.

  4. She should wear school shoes labelled with her name and class.

 Thank you,

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja

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