Classes VIII - X
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that CBSE is organising Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge 2024 (Mathematics Assessment) for students of Classes VIII to X. It is compulsory for students of the said classes to participate in Level 1 (School Level) of the above competition. The assessment will be a questionnaire comprising objective type questions of a total of 40 marks.
Details of the competition are as follows:
Date- 17th September 2024
Time- 8:45 a.m. to 9 :45 a.m.
Students will be appearing for this competition from their respective classrooms.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
K Dey
Lower Nursery - Class XII
Dear Parents,
For possible disruption of traffic on Tuesday, 27th August 2024, kindly note the following:
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
K Dey
Class IV
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that the students of Class IV will be taken on a field trip to Victoria Square on Elgin Road, Kolkata -700017 on Tuesday, 27th August 2024.
The objective of the field trip is to help children observe and understand the different types of plants in their natural environment. Their respective Science teachers and parent volunteers will accompany them.
The schedule for the field trip is as follows:
Classes IV B and IV C: 9:25 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.
The trip will be undertaken subject to weather conditions.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. V. Panja
I agree to send my daughter ____________________________________________of Class IV Section ________ for the trip to Victoria Square on Elgin Road, Kolkata 700017 on Tuesday, 27th August 2024.
Parent's Signature
NB: While all reasonable measures and care for the safety of the students will be taken by the school, the Management does not accept any liability in the course of travel during such excursions or in case of any accident, theft, personal injury and/or illness.
Classes I and II
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to inform you that an interactive session on the topic ‘Role of Discipline in Positive Parenting’ has been organised for the parents of Classes I and II on Wednesday, 21st August 2024 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.
You are requested to make it convenient to attend the session. Please be seated in the CPA by 8:45 am.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Mrs. V. Panja
Class V
Dear Parents,
With reference to Notice No. 48/2024-25 uploaded on the website on 15/07/2024, please note the following:
The Mathematics Half Yearly Examinations, which was scheduled for Friday, 16th August 2024, has been rescheduled to Thursday, 29th August 2024.
Normal classes will resume from Friday, 30th August 2024.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. V. Panja
Classes VI - XII
Dear Parents,
Students of Classes VI – XII are to appear for their Half Yearly Examinations 2024-25. They must report to school on the days of their Half Yearly Examinations according to the timetable that has been provided to them.
Please make note of the dates mentioned below:
15th August 2024 - Independence Day, celebration in school
16th August 2024 - Last working day before Half Yearly Examinations for the students of Classes XI - XII
22nd August 2024 - Last working day before Half Yearly Examinations for the students of Classes VI – X
16th September 2024 - •Second Term begins.
•Answer scripts will be shown to the students of Classes VIII, IX & X
17th September 2024 - Answer scripts will be shown to the students of Classes VI & VII
18th September 2024 - Answer scripts will be shown to the students of Classes XI & XII
3rd October 2024 - Report Cards will be published
8th October 2024 - Puja Vacation begins
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
K Dey
Classes VI - XII
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that Independence Day will be celebrated in school on Thursday, 15th August 2024 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am. Each student must carry an umbrella on that day.
Please note students of Class XII and the Student Council need to stay back till 12:30 pm to attend the felicitation of high achievers (AISSCE 2024) at the Vidya Mandir Auditorium.
Attendance is compulsory.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
K Dey
Classes I - XII
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is organising the Olympiad Examinations for the academic year 2024-25 for students of Classes I to XII.
The offline examinations will be held in school as per the schedule given below:
The registration will be done by the school. The registration fee is Rs.150/- per subject for each student. Students may opt for more than one examination. The examination is optional.
In case you are interested in your ward’s participation in the above examinations, please submit the total fees through Campus Care by Friday, 16th August 2024.
Once the payment is made, kindly fill in the Consent Form given below and submit a signed copy of the same to your daughter’s Class Teacher by Tuesday, 20th August 2024.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
K. Dey
Consent Form
My daughter ____________________________ of Class _________________ would like to
participate in the following examinations to be held on the scheduled dates.
(Tick the subject(s))
1. SOF IEO (International English Olympiad)
2. SOF NSO (National Science Olympiad)
3. SOF IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad)
4. SOF ICO (International Commerce Olympiad)
I have made an online payment (total amount) of Rs.150/300/450/600 ______________ for 1/2/3/4__________ subject(s) as registration fee.
Parent’s name _____________________
Signature ______________________
Classes IV – IX & XI
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) is organising a Green Olympiad for the students of Classes IV to IX & XI. The tentative date for the offline examination to be held in school is 20th November 2024.
The registration will be done by the school. The registration fee is Rs.200/- per student and additional charges for availing the sample paper booklet is Rs.120/- per student.
The examination is optional. In case you want your daughter to appear for the said examination, please send the fees in a sealed envelope (with name, class and section written on it) to your daughter’s Class Teacher by 16th August 2024.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
K. Dey
Classes VI - XII
Dear Parents,
Greetings from Sushila Birla Girls’ School.
As we continue to strive for excellence in education, we would like to take a moment to address a critical issue that affects us all: the impact of social media and gadgets on our children. It is evident to us that the excessive use of social media and gadgets hinders and negatively impacts our children’s well being.
As parents, you play a vital role in shaping your child's online behaviour and ensuring their safety. We urge you to be cautious and aware of the potential risks associated with social media, including:
- Cyberbullying
- Exposure to inappropriate content
- Decreased attention span and academic performance
- Sleep deprivation
- Social isolation
To mitigate these risks, we recommend:
- Setting limits on gadget use and screen time
- Monitoring your child's online activity
- Encouraging physical activity and outdoor play
- Engaging in open conversations about online safety and digital citizenship
By working together, we can ensure our children develop into responsible, compassionate, and confident individuals. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
K Dey