What makes a house,home? It can mean different things to different people and perhaps I do not know their perspective but what I do know is that a home is so much more than a physical structure fabricated out of bricks, cement and mortar. It is more than just four walls in which its
inhabitants reside.For me, it is the alchemy of intangible factors such as acceptance and familiarity that transforms it into a home.
Even as I sit here, in my new room, writing this, I can hear the deafening and resounding silence which takes me back to my safe haven, reminding me of how contradictory it was.The place I called my home. I can recall our laughter as well as tears resonating through the walls. I can recall a thousand recollections of my childhood which conclusively create a pattern in my mind.
It was also our shared meals,family traditions and the unconditional love, solace and warmth that made my apartment complex feel like a home.
My first friendships were forged there and it accommodated life’s transitions, serving as a backdrop for everyday experiences, both mundane and extraordinary.Thus it was the emotional, personal and social dimension that transformed a mere dwelling in a place of profound meaning.
Some may also find their home in a person. They may find that the acceptance and love which they seek is provided by them. One main factor which contributes to making a house, a home, is the ability to be yourself in it.To seek refuge from the world. For me,it was one of my best friends,with whom I could be myself. If there is one thing that I have gathered from experience, it is that the people make the place what it is.
A place does not have to be opulent to feel like home, for that concept is rather quixotic. Rather, the fellow members of the household, with their love can make that same place feel just as invaluable.There are innumerable memories, stories and experiences imbued in every corner of one’s home, which shape who we are. It is also said that our home, the personal dimension or rather aspects of it, reflect the character of the one owning it.
Upon shifting to my new apartment,I realised that a lot had to be done before I could call it my home. My mattresses were coarse, my shelves and books systematised and while it was pleasing to the eyes,a personal touch to it was missing which abstained me from calling it my room, my space.
Therefore, home is a feeling of belongingness and contentment which transcends geographical locations.It provides a sense of stability and continuity amidst the adversities of life. It is a
space which allows an individual to be vulnerable and remains a constant through one’s triumphs as well as losses.A home truly is more than just a physical structure.
– Vanshika Vaid 10D