Scuttling along the shore, a ruby in the sands
Hurrying away when the sea washed close
He sought refuge in the holes riddled on the beach
Red claws emerged menacingly, scaring him away
Another one chased him away through the sands
The frightened beauty looked around, helpless
Scarlet claws clutching at empty air
Smooth shell slipping on the damp white grains
Crawling away clumsily from the ocean
The white mountains surging near, to swallow him whole.
He tried to escape, scraping the ground
Ragged and heaving like one deformed
Anguished, he hastened, straight towards me
The tremor of my bare feet pushed him away
Like a drunkard he ran, not knowing where
His ill-shaped legs hauled him away
Right into the heart of his white devil
The feverish body went deathly still
As a frothy white sheet washed beneath him
And the mountains crashed ashore, again and again
The little red ruby was seen no more
The scarlet beauty devoured by the monster it feared
I hoped the water would drift him far, far away
Lost and found at sea- a home he endeared.
– By Aishee Majumder, XI-H