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The Role Of Extracurricular Activity For Girls & How It Builds Strong Future Leaders

Sat 15 Jun 2024
  • Category: Empowering the Girl Child
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The Role Of Extracurricular Activity For Girls & How It Builds Strong Future Leaders


This article delves into a detailed guide on how any extracurricular activity for girls can turn into their support system in being future leaders. Only a few thrust is needed by the teachers and parents to make this world an ideal place for all our girls. Read the complete article to get an insight on the same. 


Numerous studies have indisputably revealed that the presence of dynamic female leaders holds the power to uplift not only families and communities but also enhance the productivity of employees while boosting corporate profitability. One effective way to achieve this is through leadership programs, which provide girls with opportunities to develop their potential and enhance their capabilities. Enrolling in any extracurricular activity for girls, such as leadership programs, plays a crucial role in fostering personal growth, building self-esteem, and preparing them for success in various domains of life. This article explores the significance of extracurricular activities which are more emphasized by the CBSE board girls’ school in Kolkata.

• Empowering Self-Development

Leadership programs offer a supportive environment where girls can explore their strengths, interests, and passions. By participating in these extracurricular activities, girls learn to step out of their comfort zones, take on challenges, and develop a growth mindset. Through various workshops, seminars, and team-building exercises, girls gain valuable skills like communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. These programs create an atmosphere of self-discovery, enabling girls to realize their full potential and become confident individuals.

• Boosting Self-Esteem

A key aspect of empowering girls is boosting their self-esteem and confidence. Leadership programs provide a platform for girls to showcase their talents and abilities, enabling them to recognize their worth and value. By engaging in activities that require them to take on leadership roles, make independent decisions, and solve problems, girls develop a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance. This newfound confidence transcends into other areas of their lives, empowering them to overcome obstacles and take charge of their futures.

• Developing Social and Emotional Skills

Leadership programs emphasize the importance of empathy, teamwork, and collaboration. Girls learn to interact with diverse individuals, respect different perspectives, and work towards common goals. Through group activities, they enhance their social and emotional skills, including communication, empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution. These abilities not only help them build strong relationships but also prepare them for leadership positions in the future, where effective collaboration and interpersonal skills are highly valued.

• Nurturing Future Leaders

The significance of leadership programs in nurturing future leaders is thrust ahead by the CBSE board girls’ school in Kolkata. By integrating these programs into their curriculum, the school provides a comprehensive educational experience that goes beyond academics. The school’s leadership programs focus on equipping girls with the necessary skills and qualities to excel in all aspects of life. Through mentorship, workshops, and community service initiatives, the school creates an environment that fosters leadership qualities, resilience, and a sense of social responsibility.

• Empowering Girls for the Future

Empowered girls become strong women who can drive positive change in society. Leadership programs instill in girls the belief that they can break gender stereotypes, shatter glass ceilings, and achieve their aspirations. By empowering girls through extracurricular activities, such as leadership programs, the educational institutes ensure that girls are equipped with the necessary tools and mindset to face the challenges of the future. This is more widely pushed forward by the CBSE board girls’ school in Kolkata. These programs create a pipeline of confident and competent female leaders who can make a lasting impact on their communities.


In conclusion, leadership programs play a pivotal role in empowering girls and preparing them to become strong future leaders. These extracurricular activities provide girls with a platform to develop their personal growth, boost their self-esteem, and foster essential social and emotional skills. The CBSE board girls’ school in Kolkata especially promotes the importance of these programs in nurturing confident and competent young women. By empowering girls through leadership programs, we can build a brighter future where gender equality and female leadership are valued and celebrated.

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