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A Scream For Therapy: Debunked (About Debunking Primal Scream Therapy)

Wed 20 Dec 2023
  • Category: Debunking Theories
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A Scream For Therapy: Debunked (About Debunking Primal Scream Therapy)

NAME:  Bhavya Mimani


Screaming allows you to shout out your deepest emotions to the world. Is such “therapy,” whether in a four-walled room or in an open field, providing us with the necessary cure? Is this temporary fix enough to let us keep doing it repeatedly? This article explains how Primal Scream Therapy, commonly known as PST, is not the solution for this modern and upcoming society of individuals who have better solutions than such therapies.

Primal Therapy was first developed in the late 1960s and became very popular as the 1970s approached. Arthur Janov, the developer of this therapy, promoted the use of screaming to let out pent-up emotions, promising emotional catharsis and healing through primal screams. This worked very effectively during wartime, as most of the nation was in a caged mental state, and the therapy provided them the freedom to voice themselves and their pain.

However, looking at how much this generation has progressed in the mental health sector, it is tremendous. We have developed different forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or psychoanalysis, by understanding human behaviour. Yet such accreditation hasn’t been provided to PST because it lacks scientific proof of its benefits.

Placebo Effects are often created through this therapy. The placebo effect occurs when a person experiences improvement in their condition solely because they believe a treatment is effective. Without core research, verifying the effects of PST is quite difficult.

People, when going for such therapy, experience overwhelming primal screams, which often let out strong emotions that have been locked within them. This unlocked caged traumatic experiences, and without proper professional supervision, this could turn out to be harmful to the person.

To summarize, while Primal Scream Therapy has received attention and even adherents in the past, it is critical to approach this technique with skepticism and caution. It is an untrustworthy and potentially risky approach to healing due to a lack of scientific evidence, the potential for harm, an oversimplification of mental health, and ethical concerns. Individuals seeking mental health care are strongly advised to pursue evidence-based therapies under the supervision of licensed and accredited professionals who prioritize their safety and well-being.

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