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Pre Primary and Primary School

The curriculum designed for the Primary School students is activity- based and learner- centric. Students are engaged in experiential learning which makes the acquisition of knowledge fun and interesting and gives them opportunities for observation, experimentation and self-discovery. Not only does the curriculum lay emphasis on literacy, numeracy and language training, but also responds to the need for honing the social skills and mental well-being of students. Keeping the pedagogy of NEP 2020 in mind, various Artificial Intelligence tools have been incorporated in the curriculum and field trips are organised regularly to promote experiential learning. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) , the curriculum provides the opportunity to conduct Financial Literacy classes to educate young learners on simple concepts based on personal finance. Remedial classes are conducted to provide additional support and emphasis is given on developing life skills and values as well as honing 21st century skills such as critical thinking and logical reasoning. The subjects taught at this level are English, Mathematics, Hindi, Bengali, Science, Geography, History, Environmental Science, General Knowledge and Information Technology.

Middle School

Middle School is a crucial phase of education, preparing students for the transition to secondary school, where they delve deeper into specific subjects and build up their concepts. The curriculum of the middle school typically covers a diverse range of subjects and is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education. Backed by the support of dedicated teachers and counsellors, special care is taken to ensure every student’s smooth transition into adolescence. Imparting value education is a part and parcel of the curriculum and various clubs provide the students with opportunities to pursue their interests in various fields. Skill modules like Coding, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science are used  to train students in the usage of technology. Regular field trips help in broadening the perspective of the students and also help in inculcating empathy. As per the NEP 2020 recommendations, certain days have been earmarked as ‘ bagless days’ when the students are not required to carry school bags. The curriculum has been revised accordingly. Various sessions conducted by experts from diverse fields are an integral part of the school calendar. 

Secondary School

Secondary level education prepares the students to meet the challenges of the Board Examinations. One of the primary objectives of secondary school is to further the students' academic knowledge and skills. This involves more in-depth study of the various subjects taught at this level. Secondary education aims to develop the students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. They are encouraged to analyze information, think critically, and approach complex issues from different perspectives. The subjects taught at this level are : English, Hindi, Bengali, French, German, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Artificial Intelligence (Skill subject) Information Technology (Skill subject), Home Science ( Academic elective) and Painting (Academic elective). Compulsory community service and life skill classes help in inculcating compassion and a sense of social responsibility in students. 
  Continuous evaluation through periodic tests and regular remedial classes for students who need additional support, help in improving their academic performance. Extensive usage of technology and AI tools aid in making the students future ready. 

Senior Secondary

Senior Secondary School aims to provide students with more specialized and advanced knowledge in various subjects. The curriculum is designed to deepen their understanding and critical thinking skills, preparing them for their transition to college. Students can choose from a range of elective subjects based on their interests and future career goals. This specialization enables them to delve deeper into areas they are passionate about. The objectives of senior secondary school encompass not only academic excellence but also holistic personal growth and preparation for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the students' lives. It equips them with the knowledge, skills and character traits necessary to become informed, capable and productive members of the society. In addition to various sessions conducted by experts from diverse fields, career fairs are also organised regularly to enable the students discover their aptitude and pursue the career best suited for them. 

Subjects Taught :

• English Core / English Elective
• Physics
• Chemistry
• Mathematics / Biology
• Biology / Economics / Computer Science
• Hindi Core / Bengali / Psychology / Financial Markets Management / Physical Education / Legal Studies

• English Core / English Elective
• Accountancy
• Business Studies / Legal Studies
• Economics / Psychology / Entrepreneurship
• Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Informatics Practices / Physical Education / Financial Markets Management  / Painting / Fashion Studies 
• Hindi Core / Bengali - (Compulsory)

• English Core / English Elective
• Political Science / Geography / Sociology
• History / Economics / Legal Studies
• Psychology / Entrepreneurship / Home Science
• Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Informatics Practices / Physical Education / Financial Markets Management  / Painting / Fashion Studies 
• Hindi Core / Bengali - (Compulsory)

Skill subjects for Classes XI and XII-
1.      Financial  Markets Management 
2.      Fashion Studies    

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