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Max Mueller Bhavan

Event Date: 22-11-2022

Class : IX

Date : 22.11.2022

Students of Class IX visited Max Mueller Bhavan on the 21st and 22nd November 2022. The subjects covered were History and English. The students viewed a presentation on the Holocaust and Anne Frank. They were divided into two groups, one of the groups was taken to an exhibition where a total of 31 documentary panels were explained in great detail. The entire background of the rise of Hitler against the backdrop of the interwar period, the Holocaust experience and the discovery of Annie Frank and diary evidence were discussed with the students. The session was conducted for a period of thirty minutes. The second group witnessed a documentary movie on Hilter based on the evidence left in Annie Frank’s Diary.

"To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal." - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

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