• Nursery to Class XI

    Dear Parents,

    Campus Care has launched a mobile app and is available for both Android and iPhone. Parents can download the app by searching for CampusCare (for Android – Google Play & for I-phone - Apple store) and access the parent portal after entering the Url asvmscampuscare.in (first time only) and Parent Login credentials. 

    You may tap / click on the link given below to download the app :

    Link for Play store : - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.campuscare.entab.ui

    Link for Apple istore : -https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/campuscare/id1034721587

    You may also download the app by clicking on the link given under Partner Links in the Home Page of our website.


    Please click here for the guidelines to download mobile app



  • Nursery – Class V

    Dear Parent, 

              •     Report Cards of students from Nursery to Class V will be uploaded on Tuesday, 19.03.2019. Parents can view the same on www.vmscampuscare.in

                    For any query, please send an email to ithelpdesk@sbgskolkata.ac.in

              •     Please submit a signed copy of your daughter’s Report Card to the class teacher on Thursday, 28.03.2019. (Please refer to Notice No.196/2018 – 2019).

              •     Booklist will be uploaded on the school website: www.sbgskolkata.ac.in on Tuesday, 19.03.2019. Please download the booklist and purchase the books from the authorized vendors.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Nursery  - Class XI

    Dear Parents,

    It gives us great pleasure to invite you to an Art Exhibition in our school on Tuesday 19th March 2019.  Please find the e-invite attached.

    We look forward to your presence.

    With regards,

    S. Bose

    Click here to download the e-invite

  • Class II, III & IV

    Dear Parents,

    Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s class teacher on Thursday, 28.03.2019 any time between 9 am and 10 am for the following:

         •     Return your daughter’s old I.D. Card and receive the new one for the session 2019-20.

         •     Submit the signed copy of your daughter’s report card.

    Thanking you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Class I

    Dear Parents,

    1. Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Class II class teacher on Thursday, 28.03.2019 any time between 9 am and 10 am for the following:

              •     Return your daughter’s old I.D. Card and receive the new one for the session 2019-20.

              •     Submit the signed copy of your daughter’s report card.

              •     Submit all exercise books as mentioned in the booklist. 

    2. Please note:

              •     Text books are to be covered and labelled.

              •     One pencil pouch containing 4 sharpened pencils, one eraser and a ruler and a separate pencil pouch containing colour pencils must be brought to school everyday.

              •     The exercise books need not be covered.

              •     The student’s name, class & section must be written on the exercise books with a marker pen.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • K.G.

    Dear Parents,

    Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Class I class teacher on Thursday, 28.03.2019 any time between 9 am and 10 am for the following:

    •     Return your daughter’s old I.D. Card and receive the new one for the session 2019-20.

    •     Submit the signed copy of your daughter’s report card.

    •     Submit all exercise books as mentioned in the booklist.

    •     Kindly carry a black CD writer pen along with you.

    Please note:

    •     One pencil pouch containing 4 sharpened pencils, one eraser and a ruler and a separate pouch containing colour pencils must be brought to school everyday.

    •     Text books are to be covered and labelled with a marker pen.

    •     The exercise books need not be covered.

    •     The student’s name, class & section must be written on the exercise books with a marker pen. Do not write the subject.

    Thank you

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta