• Class XI

    Dear Parents,

    A career counselling programme has been organized for the students of Class XI for which attendance is compulsory.  One Step Up Education Services from New Delhi is conducting  this programme.

    The session has been organized on 9th and 10th October 2018 and will include Readiness Test, C.V. and Interview Workshop and information regarding various career options.  Moreover, there will be a Parent Connect Session for the parents on 10th October, in the CPA from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

    Please note the timings to be followed by the students on these two days :

    9th October      -           from   8:15 am to 2:45 pm      -         Commerce and Humanities stream

                              -           from   8:15 am to 3:00 pm      -         Science stream


    10th October    -           from   8:15 am to 2:45 pm      -         Commerce and Humanities stream

                              -           from   8:15 am to 3:15 pm      -         Science stream          

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Class X

    Dear Parents,

    A career counseling programme has been organized for the students of Class X which is compulsory for all the students. This year also we have selected One Step Up Education Services from New Delhi for this programme.

    For the students of Class X the entire programme will take place from 9th to 12th October 2018. There will also be a Parent Connect Workshop for the parents on 11th October 2018 from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. in the CPA.The fee charged will be Rs.1500/- per student.

    Please note the required amount has to be submitted to the class teacher by 17th September 2018.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Class X

    Dear Parents,

    We have had to reschedule our Terminal Examination because of the Bharat Bandh on 10th September 2018 and therefore ask you to note the change of dates for the First Aid training.  

    Class X students will now have to come to school on the dates given below for a compulsory First Aid training to be conducted in school by St. John Ambulance Association:

             (i) Saturday, 15th  September 2018      -   9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
            (ii) Saturday, 29th  September 2018      -   9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    Moreover, students have to stay back in school till 3:00 p.m. on Friday, 5th October 2018 as an examination will be conducted from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.   All successful trainees will be issued a certificate by the National Head Quarter of St. John Ambulance, New Delhi in due course.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Classes IX and X

    Dear Parents,

    With reference to Notice No.85/2018-19, we would like to inform you of some changes. Since certain papers of the Terminal Examination had to be rescheduled, the students of Classes IX and X will now come to school for regular classes from 17th September 2018 and will not come to school on 11th and 13th September 2018 as stated earlier.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Nursery – Class V

    Dear Parent,

    This is to inform you that classes for students of Nursery to Class V will remain suspended on Friday, 14th September 2018 as Teachers’ Day Celebration has been organized by the school management.

    Thank you,
    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Classes VI – VIII, XI, XII

    Dear Parent,

    In view of the Bandh on Monday 10th September, 2018, please note that the examination timetable has been revised as given below.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

                                             HALF YEARLY EXAMINATIONS 2018- 2019 (REVISED DATES)

                                                   TIMINGS OF ALL EXAMINATIONS WILL REMAIN SAME

                                                                           CLASSES VI and VII

      VI VII
     11th September 2018 (Tuesday)


     8:45 am to 12:00 noon

    (8:45 am to 11:00 am)

    (8:45 am to 12:00 noon)

     13th September 2018 (Thursday)    
     8:45 am to 10:30 am  Geography  2nd Language Language
     11:00 am to 12:15 pm  Information Technology  General Knowledge


                                                                      CLASS VIII

    DATE / DAY


    11th September 2018 (Tuesday)

     3rd Language (Hindi / Bengali / French / German / Sanskrit)

    13th September 2018 (Thursday)

     General  Knowledge  (9:15 am to 10:45 am)

    15th September 2018 (Saturday)

     Information Technology  (9:15 am to 11:15 am)


                                                                       CLASS XI (Theory)

    DATE / DAY


    11th September 2018 (Tuesday)

     Hindi Core / Bengali / French / German / Informatics Practices / Painting 


                                                                    CLASS XI (Practical)

    DATE / DAY



    1st Shift

    2nd Shift

    12th Sep ’18 (Wednesday)

     Entrepreneurship (C1, C2, H)
     Physical Education (H)
     Biology (S2)

     Informatics Practices (C2)
     Home Science (H)
     Sociology (H)

    13th Sep ’18 (Thursday)

     Biology (S1)
     Computer Science (S1, S2)
     Psychology (H)
     Economics (S1, S2, C1, C2, H)

     Informatics Practices (C1,H)
     Hindi Core (C1, C2, H)
     Bengali (C1, H)

    15th Sep ’18 (Saturday)

     Physics (S1)
     Chemistry (S2)
     Geography (H)
     History (H)

     Physics (S1)
     Chemistry (S2)

    17th Sep ’18 (Monday)

     Physics (S2)
     Chemistry (S1)
     Painting (H)

     Physics (S2)
     Chemistry (S1)


                                                                        CLASS XII (Theory)

    DATE / DAY


    11th September 2018 (Tuesday)

     Hindi Core / Bengali / French / German / Informatics Practices/Multimedia & Web Tech


                                                                         CLASS XII (Practical)

    DATE / DAY



    1st Shift

    2nd Shift

    12th Sep ’18(Wednesday)

     Physics (S1)
     Chemistry (S2)
     Multimedia & Web Tech (C2, H)

     Physics (S1)
     Chemistry (S2)

    13th Sep ’18 (Thursday)

     Physics (S2)
     Chemistry (S1)
     Geography (H)
     History (H)
     Accountancy (C1, C2)

     Physics (S2)
     Chemistry (S1)
     Business Studies (C1, C2)

    15th Sep ’18 (Saturday)

     Entrepreneurship (C1, C2, H)
     Fashion Studies (H)
     Physical Education (C2, H)
     Biology (S1)

     Informatics Practices (C1)
     Hindi Core (C1, C2, H)
     Bengali (C1, H)

    17th Sep ’18 (Monday)

     Biology (S2)
     Computer Science (S1, S2)
     Psychology (H, S1)
     Economics (S1, S2, C1, C2, H)

     Home Science (H)
     Sociology (H)