• Nursery – Class XII

    Dear Parents

    A Way Ahead for 2021-2022

    1        We hope you are well and trust that parents of our wards, and their families, have been taking all due care in these unprecedented times. Looking after the health and well-being of your loved ones is of paramount importance. We look forward to the time when a degree of normalcy will be restored in our daily lives, particularly in the educational journey of our students.

    2        The all-round and recognized success of our institution, demonstrated by the performance and merits of our students, has always been enriched by a constructive role of parents, teachers, staff and well-wishers. Even in the pandemic situation and the given mandatory restrictions on physical interface during the previous academic year (2020-2021), the School has done its best to uphold its delivery of quality education with uninterrupted and sincere zeal.

    3        On our part we had already taken voluntary steps to mitigate financial burdens on parents, before the Hon’ble Courts ruled on public interest litigations which were launched on schools in general. We have been fully compliant with judicial orders, which are essentially intended to help parents tide over difficulties as long as the situation brought about by the pandemic of Covid 19 persists and normalcy evades us.

    4        However, as a responsible institution, we cannot lose sight of realities and the sensitive need to maintain and uphold both infrastructure and faculty excellence for the long run. Parents will kindly appreciate that if we have to cover standing costs and mitigate inflation driven cost escalations only through our fees. Sustainable economics cannot be compromised.

    5        Apart from establishment costs and statutory financial obligations, salaries of teachers and other staff as per the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission (as adopted by the Government of West Bengal) have to be met in this financial year. Our teachers and support staff after all form the backbone of the institution and should not be denied such escalations which have been adopted by the Government and implemented also by various other schools in the city. This gives rise to a corresponding huge unavoidable yet mandated increase in our operational expenses. The auxiliary expenses and earmarking of funds for appropriate development as mandated by CBSE by-laws is an added reality.

    6        It has thus become inescapable to revisit the fee structure, taking into account the increased running costs, salaries and other relevant factors affecting the School. Consequently, the proposed fees (hereinafter called “PF”) for the current academic session 2021-2022 will stand at an approximate 10% over the corresponding fees of the academic session 2019-2020.1

    7        We now are compelled to request parents, who are capable of paying the PF and do not need to avail of Court mandated discounts, to pay such fees and not to avail of the reduction in school fees provided hereinafter, if their financial situation does not merit the reduction.

    8        In terms of Court orders, the School will continue to provide discount / reduction of 20% of the fees of 2019-2020 with regard to facilities provided and charge 80% of the fees of 2019-2020 and will not insist upon payment of any higher amount. However, in the interest of preventing irreparable harm to the institution, we request parents not to avail of the discount, if their financial situation does not merit such reduction. The fees and charges for facilities provided which the School will insist on payment will continue to be as per the orders of the Hon’ble Courts. The School however makes it clear that it will take steps to recover the arrears, subject to orders of Court.

    9        It will not be out of place to mention here that even the Hon’ble Court has “requested (parents) not to avail of the reduction in school fees, if their financial situation does not merit the reduction”.

    10      Thus, subject to orders of the Hon’ble Courts, the proposed fees for the academic session 2021-2022 which are intended to be made applicable with effect from April 01, 2021 or such other dates as may be advised will be enforced, and dues over and above the payment that may have been actually made and that payable in terms of this notice, will be recoverable by the School. The scheme of awarding scholarships and due commitments to statutes will continue as before.

    11      We may also point out that the Hon’ble High Court had allowed certain cost arrears and expenses for developing infrastructure to be recovered when physical functioning resumes; however, we have not proposed to do so in the proposed fees schedule.

    12      In accordance with requests and directions of the Hon’ble Courts, parents who are blessed and are in a position to pay the full amount of the proposed fees are sincerely requested to pay the same voluntarily. We hope that - considering the welfare, education and all-round development of your wards - parents and guardians will as always extend whole hearted co-operation for strengthening and improving the quality of the children’s education and happiness of all concerned. It also goes without saying that parents voluntarily paying full amount of the proposed fees also creates opportunities for the School to assist parents who are unfortunately in a difficult position.

    13      Our School stands firm in its commitment of providing quality education and balanced development for all students. Our teachers have left no stone unturned in providing an unbroken learning process. We solicit your kind cooperation in continued smooth running.

              This Circular is without prejudice to our rights and contentions in the pending Court cases.



    The exact amount is not given as we understand fees will be different for different classes. However, if the fees are same, the exact amount of Proposed Fees can by inserted.

  • Nursery – Class XII

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that Summer Vacation will begin from Saturday, 15th May 2021 to Sunday, 13th June 2021.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey

  • Nursery – Class XII

    Dear Parents,

    As you are aware, the second wave of pandemic has proved to be more devastating than the first one.  Along with the virus, scarcity of basic requirements has hit many people, very hard.  As a school that cares, we wish to extend help to our fellow citizens through the project, ‘Humanity over Calamity’

    We have planned to provide grocery, stationery and hygiene kits to ten organizations which cater to underprivileged infants and children, differently abled children and elderly people.

    We have also thought of conducting virtual sessions with the children of Rise, Krishnanagar, one of the recipients of digital devices from our school last year (as part of the project “Bridge the Digital Divide”).  These sessions will be conducted by our senior students along with the school counsellors and teachers.  This will be our way of showing kindness and empathy towards them  and also sensitizing our students.

    Since you  are an integral part of our SBGS family, this mission will not have the desired impact  without your cooperation and support.  Therefore, we would like to request you to donate either grocery, stationery, sanitizers, baby food or towels (as will be  specified by the Class Teacher).

    You can send these to the school through online delivery system / personally.  Kindly mention the name of your ward, class, section, the item and quantity of the packets.

    Further details will be furnished by the respective class teachers.  Let us be humane and win over this calamity.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey


    Dear Parents,

    Please note that classes for the Academic Session 2021-2022 will commence virtually from Thursday, 6th May 2021.


    K. Dey

  • Class VIII

    Dear Parents,

    Sushila Birla Girls' School is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Orientation - Class VIII

    Time: Apr 30, 2021 01:30 PM India

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 939 2485 2861

    Passcode: xSLi2k

    Class VIII parents/students and class teachers should join the meeting between 1:45 pm to 2:00 pm.

    Thanking you,

    K. Dey

  • Classes VI - X

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that the school is starting the Skating Activity Club for the students in the session 2021-22.

    The club will be held virtually on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. Only students who have a pair of roller skates and are seriously inclined towards the activity should enrol for the club. Attendance will be monitored strictly.

    If you wish your ward to be a part of the club, please inform the class teacher by Tuesday, 27th April 2021

    Thanking You,

    K. Dey