• Classes II – V

    Dear Parents,

    You will be happy to know that the students of Classes II, III, IV and V will be taken for a picnic to Green Valley Resort, Jainpur on Friday, 17th January 2020. You are requested to send Rs. 500/- towards the cost of transport and food to your daughter’s class teacher by Thursday, 9th January 2020. Students are required to carry their water bottles and sun caps. They must be dressed in comfortable clothing and wear sneakers.

    Kindly note that your daughter must report to school on Friday, 17th January 2020 at 8:15 am. Dispersal will be against the ID card according to the following schedule:

    Class II                 -        3.30 pm

    Class III                -        3.45 pm

    Class IV & V         -        4.00 pm

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja





    I consent to my daughter ________________________________________________ of Class ________ going for the school picnic on Friday, 17th January 2020 to Green Valley Resort, Jainpur. I understand that “while all reasonable measures and care for the safety of the students will be taken by the school, the management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by bus or in other mode of travel during such excursions or in case of any accident”.



                                                                                                                                   Parent’s signature

  • Classes IV & V

    Dear Parent,

    Please note that the Annual Examinations for Classes IV & V will be held from 18th February to 27th February 2020.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Classes II – V

    Dear Parent,

    Kindly note that the afternoon activity classes (Drama, Quiz and Computer) will remain suspended on Monday, 23rd December 2019.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Classes X and XII

    Dear Parents,

    It has come to our notice that in the past academic session senior students had organized a ‘Batch Party’ in a city hotel and given their parents to understand that this party had the sanction of the school. 

    We would like to inform you that Sushila Birla Girls’ School is not involved in any capacity in organizing such an event outside the school premises for students of classes X and XII.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • KG – Class V

    Dear Parent,

    Here is the menu for the month of January and February 2020. Please follow it from Monday, 06.01.2020.

     MONDAY           •   Suji chilla, almond and raisin, kiwi/apples.                                                            

    TUESDAY           •   Methi thepla with amla chutney, orange and dates.                             

    WEDNESDAY     •   Cheese corn sandwich, sprout salad, peanut .                                   

    THURSDAY         •   Veg. cutlet, strawberries, walnut.                                      

    FRIDAY              •   Idli with coconut chutney, Makhana, pomegranate.                


         •  Nuts are healthy and may be added to your daughter’s tiffin every day.

         •  Minimum oil should be used.

         •  The quantity of the food packed should be appropriate to the appetite of your child.

         •  A napkin must be brought daily to school.

         •  Do not send packaged food items like chips and Kurkure. Home-made chips or popcorn are better substitutes.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Classes I – V                                                                                                                                                

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that students will be wearing their P.T. uniform (House T-Shirts with navy blue skirts and navy blue cycling shorts) for the Annual Sports to be held on Monday, 16th December, 2019.

    Please ensure that your daughter’s P.T. uniform is in good condition for the event. No leggings will be worn on that day. 

    Thank you.

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja