

Classes II – V (Afternoon Activity)

Dear Parents,

We would like to offer the following activities to the students of Classes II, III, IV and V in the academic session 2024 – 25. Details are as follows:

In case your daughter is interested in joining any of these activities, please fill in the form attached and submit to her class teacher by  Thursday , 4th April 2024. These activities will commence soon.

Please make a note of the following:

  1. Students who have been attending these activities in the academic session 2023-24 have to re-register themselves for the coming year.
  2. A child cannot be a member of more than one activity held on the same day.
  3. Due to a limited capacity, priority will be given to students who register first.
  4. Students who want to enrol for Bulbuls are expected to pay the annual charges in a sealed envelope to their class teacher by Thursday, 4th April 2024 along with the consent form.
  5. The payment details for the Archery activity will be intimated in due course.

Yours truly,

Mrs. V. Panja



I would like my daughter ________________________________of Class _______ Section _____ to join 

The ______________________________________.

(Parent’s Signature)

Class VI

Dear Parents,

Your daughter will be studying 3rd Language from Class VI. Please select the language she wishes to opt for by clicking on the google form link given below and submit the same by 3rd April  2024.


Kindly note that once a choice is made, she will not be allowed to make a change in future.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,

K Dey

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