• Classes VI - XII

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that Report Cards for the First Term will be distributed on Monday, 30th September 2019.

    Kindly send a signed photo copy of the same to your daughter’s Class Teacher on Tuesday 1st October 2019.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose


  • Nursery – Class V

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that Report Cards for the First Term have been published on Monday, 30th September 2019. You can view the same on www.vmscampuscare.in through the Student’s ID or Parent’s ID. Please note that the printed Report Cards and Health Cards have been given to the students.

    Kindly sign the Report Cards of your daughters and return photocopies of the same to the class teachers on Tuesday, 1st October 2019.

    Also, the signed Health Cards are to be returned on the same day.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs. V. Panja


  • Class V 

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that I.I.H.M. (International Institute of Hotel Management) is organizing a ‘Young Chef India Schools 2020’ Championship for students between 9 – 13 years, who are interested in culinary arts.

    The preliminary round of the competition will be conducted in school on Friday, 8th November 2019 in which participating students have to get food cooked by them from home. Visiting judges from I.I.H.M will shortlist the students for the semi-final round. The semi-final round will be conducted at the I.I.H.M. campus. Please note that in the semi – final round, children will have to cook using induction stoves.

    Interested students must give their names to their respective class teachers on Wednesday, 30th October 2019.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Class - III 

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that the students of Class III will be taken to Office Linc at 28, Shakespeare Sarani Road, Kolkata – 700017 on Thursday, 26th September 2019, for a shopping activity during the school hours. Each student is advised to carry Rs.100/- for her purchases.

    The students will be accompanied by their teachers and parents who have kindly volunteered to accompany the group.

    The trip will be undertaken subject to weather conditions.

    Thank you,
    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Class V

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that students Class V will be taken to Nehru Children’s Museum at 94/1 Chowringee Road, Kolkata – 700020, to view the Dolls Section. The students will be accompanied by their teachers and will visit Nehru Children’s Museum on Thursday, 26th September, 2019 during school hours.

    The trip will be undertaken subject to weather conditions.

    Thank you,
    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • K.G.

    Dear Parents,

    There will be concert practice on Saturday, 21st September 2019 from 8.15 am to 10.15 am. Students must come in their school uniforms. Dismissal will be at 10.15 am against ID cards.


    Thank you,
    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja