• KG – Class V

    Dear Parent,

    Here is the menu for the month of December 2018 and January 2019. Please follow it from Monday, 03.12.2018.

    MONDAY          • Uttapam with vegetables  OR  Vegetable Tikki & Bread

                            •  Any seasonal fruit                                           

    TUESDAY          • Paneer and beetroot paratha   OR   Bread Upma

                             •   Sandesh

    WEDNESDAY    • Vegetable Burger  OR Vegetable Chowmein

                             • Assorted Dry Fruits                                        

    THURSDAY       • Corn and spinach sandwich  OR  Bread Pizza

                             • Chikki                                       

    FRIDAY             • Idli  OR  Vegetable  Fried Rice

                             • Roasted peanuts


    • Nuts are healthy and may be added to your daughter’s tiffin every day.
    • Minimum oil should be used.
    • The quantity of the food packed should be appropriate to the appetite of your child.
    • A napkin must be brought daily to school.
    • Do not send packaged food items like chips and Kurkure. Home-made chips or popcorn are better substitutes.

    Yours truly,
    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Classes X and XII

    Dear Parents,

    It has come to our notice that in the past academic session (2017-18) senior students had organized a ‘Batch Party’ in a city hotel and given their parents to understand that this party had the sanction of the school. 

    We would like to inform you that Sushila Birla Girls’ School is not involved in any capacity in organizing such an event outside the school premises for students of classes X and XII.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Nursery – Class V

    Dear Parent,

    We will be having Open House on Friday 30.11.2018. Please note the following:-

    • The Class Teacher will be sending you a separate notice in the school diary to indicate the exact time that you should meet her. Since this is an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the child’s progress, we expect that both parents will attend.

    • Regular classes will not be held but your daughter must accompany you in uniform.

    • Only the students, who receive a note in their diaries about meeting the Computer teacher, should meet her. Apart from that, if any parent wishes to meet the Computer teacher, they must take an appointment. Please write a note in your daughter’s diary, the Computer teacher will confirm the appointment by signing your note.

    • Kindly visit the display-cum-sale of books organized by Oxford Subscription Company and Scholastic India Pvt. Ltd.

    Thank you,
    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Classes I - XII

    Dear Parents,

    We are organizing International Maths Olympiad (IMO) conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation on Tuesday,  4th December 2018.

    The above exam is optional and interested students may register for the same.  The registration fee is Rs.125/- only (including GST).   Please send the registration fees in a sealed envelope with the name of the student, class and  examination to your daughter’s Class Teacher by Wednesday 21st November 2018.  

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Nursery

    Dear Parent,

    This is to inform you that the students of Nursery will be taken to Birla Industrial and Technological Museum on Thursday, 22nd November 2018, during school hours.

    Kindly ensure that their water bottles and shoes are labelled.

    Thank you,
    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Classes IX - X

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that an interactive session on “Supporting the Social World of Teenagers : Parents as Coaches” is being organized by the school in the AVR from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm on Saturday 1st December 2018.  The focus of the session will be  on :

    (a) Handling transition from a child to an adult
    (b) An understanding of brain – behavior development links
    (c) Culture of Conversations

    The facilitator for the programme is Ms. Priyanka Bhoopal Bhattacharyya, a Clinical Psychologist associated with Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals and Mental Health Foundation.  She is also a Counsellor at Mental Health Cell, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.

    We invite both parents to the session and look forward to your active participation.  Registration begins at 10:00 am.

    Please fill up the tear off slip given below and send it to your daughter’s Class Teacher by 26th November 2018.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose


    We do hereby confirm our participation in the programme “Supporting the Social World of Teenagers : Parents as Coaches” for 1st December 2018 in the school premises.



                                                                                                    Mother __________________________


                                                                                                   Father  __________________________