• Classes III – V

    Dear Parents,

    To inculcate reading and writing habits in children in a fun way, we at Sushila Birla Girls' School have organized a two day workshop in collaboration with Ahava Communications. 

    The workshop will consist of interactive sessions where the students will be introduced to the various sections of a book, the different genres to choose from and so on.  Passages from selected texts by classic and contemporary authors as well as stories from Indian mythology and famous folk tales will be read and discussed.

    The aim of this workshop is to develop the students’ listening and comprehension skills and enhance their vocabulary and power of expression. Group activities to help students express themselves freely with confidence, ease and enthusiasm will also be conducted during the course of the workshop.

    Students interested in participating in the above mentioned workshop should submit the fee mentioned below to their respective class teachers by Wednesday, 25th July 2018. The money should be sent in a sealed envelope with the child’s name, class and amount mentioned on it.

    Please note that only the first 50 students to submit the fee will be accommodated in the workshop.

    Dates: Saturday 11th & Saturday, 18th August 2018

    Time: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

    Venue: Primary School Library

    Fee: Rs.500/-

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Nursery – Class V 

    Dear Parents,

    We will be having Open House on Friday 27.07.2018.

    The Class Teacher will be sending you a separate notice in the school diary to indicate the time that you should meet her. Since this is an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the child’s progress, we expect that both parents will attend.

    Regular classes will not be held but your daughter must accompany you in uniform.

    Kindly visit the display-cum-sale of books organized by Scholastic India Pvt. Ltd. and Oxford Subscription Company.

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta

  • Classes VI – XII

    Dear Parents,

    We would like to inform you that Open House will be held on Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th July 2018.  Both parents are requested to accompany their daughter to meet the class teachers and subject teachers.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • (Concert  participants only)

    Classes IV – XII

    Dear Parents, 

    This is to inform you that we shall have concert practice on Sunday 22nd July 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the CPA. 

    Dismissal for Classes IV & V will be against ID Cards.

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose

  • Class   XII                                                                                         

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that a Geography field trip is being organized to Dooars, West Bengal from 20th to 24th September 2018.  An itinerary has already been given to your daughter.

    You are requested to please make a Demand Draft for Rs.6,600/- in favour of ‘Sushila Birla Girls’ School’ .

    Thank you,
    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose



    I agree to send my daughter _________________________________ of 

    Class  __________   Section  _____________  for the trip to Dooars.   



                                                                              Parent’s  Signature


    NB:  While all reasonable measure and care for the safety of the students will be taken by the school, the management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by bus or in other mode of travel during such excursions or in case of any accident, theft or robbery, personal injury and / or illness.

  • (Concert  participants only)

    Classes IV – XII

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that we shall have Rehearsal on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day.   All participants are required to attend.

    Dismissal for Classes IV & V will be against ID Cards.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose
