• KG – Class VI

    Dear Parents,

    A DVD with still photographs of the Junior School Investiture Ceremony held on Friday, 22nd June 2018 is available for Rs. 35/-. It also includes photographs of students who received Perfect Attendance certificates for the academic session 2017 – 2018 on that day.

    Students interested in the above DVD, should submit Rs.35/- to their respective class teachers by Friday, 13th July 2018.

    Please note that the money should be sent in a sealed envelope with the student’s name, class and amount mentioned on the envelope. Please send the exact amount.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta


  • Nursery – Class III

    Dear Parents,

    On the basis of the feedback received from parents regarding difficulty in meeting the Computer teacher on Open House Day, we have organized for parents to meet the Computer teacher, Mrs. D. Chatterjee in the Computer Lab according to the following schedule:


    DAY & DATE



    Monday,  16.07.2018

    8:30 am – 9:30 am


    Tuesday,  17.07.2018

    8:30 am – 9:30 am

    Class I

    Wednesday, 18.07.2018

    8:30 am – 9:30 am

    Class II

    Thursday,  19.07.2018

    8:30 am – 9:30 am

    Class III

    Friday,  20.07.2018

    8:30 am – 9:30 am

    Please note that the Computer teacher will not meet the parents of Nursery, KG, Classes I, II and III on Open House Day (Friday, 27th July 2018).

    Please confirm your participation in the above by writing a note in your daughter’s diary by Friday, 13th July 2018.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta


  • (Concert participants only)

    Classes VI – XII

    Dear Parents,

    This is to  inform you that there will be Concert Practice in school from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday 7th July 2018.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose


  • K.G.

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that students of KG will be taken to a nearby store on Wednesday, 11th July for a shopping activity. Each student should carry Rs. 10/- for her purchases.

    Thank you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. M. Sengupta


  • Nursery – Class V

    Dear Parents,

    We are happy to announce the participation of our school in the BEHTAR INDIA Campaign which has been conceptualized by DHFL Pramerica Life Insurance Company and being implemented by Republic TV and charities Aid Foundation. One of the objectives of this campaign is to focus on the depletion of our national resources at an extremely fast pace.

    We urge you to support the campaign by encouraging your child to make recycling a regular habit. Please tie up old newspapers into bundles and send them to school to be donated for recycling. Old text books, exercise books and magazines can also be donated but they are to be bundled separately. The collection is to begin from Monday, 9th July and continue till the second week of October 2018.

    We look forward to your support and cooperation.


    Mrs. M. Sengupa


  • (Only members of Photography Club)

    Dear Parents,

    We are organizing a two day workshop  on  ‘Photography’ for our students of classes VI to VIII.   The dates and timings of the workshop will be as follows :

    6th July – 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 P.m.

    7th July – 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

    Mr Soumya Shankar Ghoshal, a well known trained photographer will conduct the workshop.  The cost of the workshop is Rs.1100/- per student.

    Should you wish  your daughter to participate in the above workshop kindly send a Demand Draft for Rs.1100/- in favour of “Sushila Birla Girls’ School” to the School Accounts Office by 3rd July.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    S. Bose





    My daughter _________________________________ of Class __________  Section ________


    will participate in the workshop.




                                                                                                               Parent’s Signature