Notice No.05/2024-25

Classes IV - VIII

Dear Parents,

Participating in robotics activities will ignite children's interest in science and technology. Through hands-on science and engineering tasks, students will have fun while learning naturally.

Please take note of the following details:

- Robotics classes will be conducted during designated activity periods within school hours.

- At the end of the academic year, students will be allowed to take their robotics kits home.

- The maximum capacity for this activity is 30 students.

- There will be no refunds for students who discontinue participation midway through the academic session.

- Admission of new students into the activity will be subject to a selection process.


Fee Structure:

- New students enrolling for the Robotics activity for the 2024-2025 session will be charged

Rs.4,700/-, which includes a take-away Robotic Kit.

- For  students who were part of the robotics activity in the session 2023-24, the fee structure is as follows:

  - For Classes IV - V: Rs.3,700/-

  - For Classes VI - VIII: Rs.4,200/-

If you wish to enroll your daughter in this activity, please sign the attached consent form and submit it to the respective class teachers by Friday, April 5th, 2024.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

K. Dey


Consent Form:

I, the parent of _________________________________, in Class ____ Section_____, hereby give consent for my daughter to participate in the Robotics Activity during the academic

session 2024-25.

Parent’s signature: _________________ Date:___________