Notice No.42/2017-18

Classes VIII - X

Dear Parents,

TCS, a leading software company is offering educational initiatives for schools, free of cost. These initiatives for students lays a strong foundation for learning computer programming.

Their LaunchPad program is a free online course for classes VIII to X that lays a strong foundation for understanding programming logic by teaching the fundamentals using a game which can be completed from home.

Considering the age of the students, LaunchPad uses a game format to learn programming. Designed as a self-learning course, it nurtures the concept of independent learning. Quizzes and exercises at each stage ensure that students understand concepts well, before proceeding to the next stage. Orientation sessions for teachers help them to guide the students effectively. An online Help Desk is available for both teachers and students.

The total videocontent is for 4-5 hrs. and the duration of the course is about 2 months from the date of initiation.

On successful completion of the course, students will receive Participation Certificates. We believe the students would definitely benefit from this course.

Should you want your daughter to undertake this course, kindly give your consent in writing to the class teacher by Monday, 3rd July, 2017.

Thank you.

S. Bose
