• Classes VII - X

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that the school is organizing SPACE ODYSSEY - a Summer Camp. This unique learning experience will see students participating in a valuable skills and knowledge acquisition enrichment programme that is designed to enhance and compliment the school’s curriculum in science. It will also provide a spectacular and unforgettable journey through the Solar System that will include an introduction to the all-important Electromagnetic Spectrum. Hosted by international STEAM outreach specialist Mr Sam Gibbs who is deeply committed to encouraging the next generation of young scientists, engineers and professionals in their career pathways.

    The charges for the above summer camp scheduled to take place on 23rd April during school hours will be Rs. 500 per student.

    Should you wish for your daughter to participate in the same, kindly confirm by sending the consent form and with cash of Rs.500 to the respective Class Teacher on Tuesday, 2nd April 2024.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey



                                                                   CONSENT FORM

    I agree to pay 500/- for my daughter _________________________________________________ of Class _________ Section _______ for SPACE ODYSSEY PROGRAMME to be held in school on 23rd April during school hours.


                                                                              (Signature of the Parent)     _____________________________                                                                                   

                                                                               (Name of the Parent)        _______________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  • Nursery to Class IX & Class XI

    Dear Parents,

    Please note that the Report Cards will be published on www.vmscampuscare.in on Thursday, 21st March, 2024 after 1:00 pm.

    Students of Classes IX and XI will collect their report cards on Friday 22nd March, 2024 at 1:00 pm.  Dispersal will be at 1:30 pm.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey

  • Class II, III & IV

    Dear Parents,

    Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s new class teacher on Wednesday, 27.03.2024 any time between 9 am and 10 am for the following:

    • Return your daughter’s old I.D. Card and receive the new one for the session 2024-25.
    • Submit the photocopies of your daughter’s signed report cards – Term 1 and Term 2.

    Thanking you,

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Class I

    Dear Parents,

    Please make it convenient to meet your daughter’s Class II class teacher on Wednesday, 27.03.2024 any time between 9:00 am and 10:00 am for the following:

    1. Return your daughter’s old I.D. Card and receive the new one for the session 2024-25.
    2. Submit the photocopies of your daughter’s signed report cards – Term 1 and Term 2.
    3. Submit all exercise books as mentioned in the booklist.
    4. The exercise books need not be covered.
    5. The student’s name, class & section must be written on the exercise books with a marker pen. Do not write the subject.
    6. Submit the following workbooks: (covered and labelled with a marker pen)

                • Together with Mathematics Buzz – Book 2

                 Great Fun with Grammar – Part 2

                •  Know and Grow with Derek O’ Brian (to be sent according to the timetable)

    1. All text books are to be covered and labelled with a marker pen.

    Please note:  Items to be sent to school every day:

    • One pencil pouch containing 4 sharpened pencils, one eraser and a ruler.
    • A separate pouch containing colour pencils.
    • Plastic Folder (labelled with the student’s name, class and section 

    Thank you

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja