• K.G. – Class XII

    Dear Parents,

    Christmas is round the corner and we wish to tap into the generous spirit of our students by announcing a social service project in collaboration with PUKAAR, a public charitable trust. PUKAAR has been working towards providing scholarships and nutritional support to girl students in rural Purba Medinipur.   Through the trust, we wish to donate an almirah full of books to the students of Chunkhabari Sri Durga Balika Vidyamandir, situated in Block - Chandipur in Purba Medinipur.

    Therefore, as a part of our Secret Santa Drive, we request students to donate basic, illustrated, visually attractive English books that will find relevance with the rural girls who have zero exposure to the English language. Bengali literature books that will help these underprivileged girls strengthen their grip over their mother tongue are also welcome. The books may either be new or second hand in a good condition.

    Over the next few days the middle and senior school students may leave the books in the almirah that has been placed near Gate Number 3. The students of the primary school may hand over the books to their respective Class Teachers.

    Let us join hands to spread knowledge and happiness.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K  Dey

  • Class XI

    Dear Parents

    This is to inform you that the Entrepreneurship students from Classes XI C 1, XI C 2 and XI H will be going to J D Birla Institute on Friday, 9th December 2022 to view a Craft Fair and interview the artisans there as a part of their project work. The students, escorted by three teachers, will leave school at 12 noon and return by 2.30 pm.

    Please sign on the consent form given below and send the same through your ward by 8th December 2022.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey



    I agree to send my ward, _________________________________ for a field trip to J. D. Birla Institute on 9.12.2022 during school hours.


                    Parent’s signature

  • Classes I – XII

    Dear Parents,

    Sports practice will be held at Geetanjali Stadium, Rajdanga (near Siemens), Kolkata- 700017 on Monday, 12th December 2022.

    Reporting and dismissal for all students on Monday, 12th December 2022 will be from Geetanjali Stadium according to the timings given below:

    Classes VI – XII        – 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

    Classes IV & V          – 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    Classes I, II & III       – 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

    Please ensure that all students have the following:

    a. Water bottle

    b. Dry tiffin

    c. Any equipment as instructed by the teachers

    d. A small mat to sit on (Please note that newspapers will not be allowed)

    e. A sun cap

    Students of the Primary Section will be dismissed against their Identity Cards.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey

  • Classes X and XII

    Dear Parents,

    Please make a note of the schedule to be followed by the students of Classes X and XII.

    Students need not come to school on the days when no examination or activity is slated.

    6th December 2022                 -           Last working day before Pre-Board Examination for Class X

    7th to 21st December 2022      -           Selection Examinations – Class XII (Theory)

    9th to 21st December 2022      -           Pre-Board Examinations for Class X

    2nd to 6th January 2023           -           Selection Examinations – Class XII (Practicals)

    9th January 2023                     -           Pre-Board Examination answer scripts will be shown to Class X.  Timings : 8:15 am to 12:30 pm

    10th January 2023                   -           Selection Examination answer scripts will be shown to Class XII.  Timings : 8:15 am to 1:30 pm

    30th January 2023                   -           Classes X & XII to be in school from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm to collect report cards.

    Thank you,

    Yours sincerely,

    K Dey

  • Classes IV & V

    Dear Parents,

    This is to inform you that the students of Classes IV & V will be wearing navy blue leggings, a black camisole (under shirt) and their House T – Shirts for the Yoga drill on Friday, 23rd December 2022.

    You are requested to kindly procure the above for your daughter who must show them to the class teacher for approval by Tuesday, 13th December 2022.

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja

  • Classes I – III

    Dear Parents,

    Our Annual Sports will be held on Friday, 23rd December 2022. Your daughter will be participating in the event.

    You are requested to send Rs. 200/- towards the drill equipment to your daughter’s class teacher by Thursday, 8th December 2022.

    Kindly send the money in a sealed envelope with your daughter’s name, class and section written on it.

    Yours truly,

    Mrs. V. Panja