Who wants a white house

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Who wants a white house

“Misery enjoys company’’ – From time immemorial, the perception is that
‘Art is for failures’, it is meant for the ones who do not aspire to have a
stable future. Even though art is one of the most talked about
professions today, it is still surrounded by stigmas that have existed for
ages. They say ‘Who studies Art?’ with a smug grin on their face and a
STEM degree hung on their wall. The world has forgotten what real art is
and how it can transform one’s soul.
Art is everywhere around us, from the walls of your house to the

Salvaged Till Eternity

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Salvaged Till Eternity

Echoes call of their abode in God’s embrace,
Echoes call for their solace in the people they love,
Echoes call of their residence in streets they adore,
Echo calls for peace in precious possessions they own.
However, I stand among those whispers who call off their home in their soul.

Home – A Haven of Happiness

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Home – A Haven of Happiness

‘Home is where the heart is.’ 

I’ve never quite been able to grasp the essence of these words until now. As I sat down to write this blog, I was flustered out of unawareness of what the word ‘HOME’ meant to me. 

My mom, noticing the almonds that still lay untouched for the past two hours, exclaimed peevishly, ‘Saanvi, eat the almonds RIGHT NOW!’ I looked at her and smiled. It’s as if I had a light bulb moment and realized that ‘home’ was currently glaring at me in bewilderment. 

Home Sweet Home – Belonging

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Home Sweet Home – Belonging

Title: Just a book

I’m sitting at my coffee table, book in my hands, tucked in a study chair with music in the background. My body seems to be in the most uncomfortable position yet I can’t help but smile.

I can’t help but feel happy about the couple that finds themselves in the ink. I’m not wondering when that would be me or hate that it’s not me. I’m too busy giggling over the ridiculous rom-com in my hands and my heart exhilarating as it plays out.

10 Creative Ways to Upcycle Household Items: Reducing Waste, Adding Charm

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
10 Creative Ways to Upcycle Household Items: Reducing Waste, Adding Charm

In today’s world, where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, finding creative ways to repurpose household items not only reduces waste but also adds a unique charm to our living spaces. From mason jars to old t-shirts, there are countless opportunities to transform everyday objects into something new and useful. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 creative ways to upcycle household items, turning trash into treasure while making a positive impact on the environment.

1. Mason Jar Storage

When a House Becomes a Home

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
When a House Becomes a Home

What even is home? 

Is it just the place that you go to sleep in every night or where you have your meals? Or is it a person? This is a question that has haunted me time and time again and I think I might have an answer finally, at least one that satisfies me. 

Why Was ‘Lord of the Flies’ Banned?

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Why Was ‘Lord of the Flies’ Banned?

A sudden plane crash. Seven teenaged boys stranded on an island. Desperate attempts at self-governance and the consequences that follow. William Golding’s famous novel ‘Lord of the Flies’ is a story of survival, immense power play and an insight into the functioning of society.

Despite being a classic, ‘Lord of the Flies’ has been criticised over the years, eventually leading to it being banned in several schools and public libraries.

Seeking Home

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Seeking Home

What a strange arrangement we live in, we leave fragments of ourselves scattered in the places we visit, the people we meet and the memories we create, as if to live were to combust, leaving traces in the world that surrounds us. In our lives, with an end unknown to us until the last moment our breath continues, we, as humans, seek a home, a place we can call our own, a person who shelters and cherishes our soul and memories in which eternity lies. 

Home_ Where love dwells

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
Home_ Where love dwells

John Howard Pagne accurately identified a home to be ‘Home Sweet Home’. The four walls surrounding us are not just walls, they are witnesses to all mesmerizing memories we all once had. It is more than just a physical structure; It is a haven of relief, warmth, comfort and affection. Not only is it a symbol of wellness and tradition, but also our humble abode. It is secure in our mind even if it is not perfect. 

The Limit Has Been Surpassed for Horror Stories

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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  • Posted By: man@webspiders.com
The Limit Has Been Surpassed for Horror Stories

Amidst the literary thrills of the 1990s, a haunting trend emerged within the young generation with its supernatural and macabre tales. But a rare few, woven with gothic folklore and chilling scenes, sent shivers down the spines of both children and adults, haunting their nights.

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