Virtual Field Trip to “LADAKH” - class II

Event Date: 04-10-2024

Virtual Field Trip to “LADAKH” - class II_2
Virtual Field Trip to “LADAKH” - class II_1
Virtual Field Trip to “LADAKH” - class II_2

Class : II

Date : 11.01.2021

The students of class II were taken on a virtual trip to Ladakh on 11th January 2021. This was in relation to the AIL Project of the CBSE Board.  This virtual trip was integrated with English, EVS and Hindi/Bengali. The vocabulary of the students was enhanced by knowing and writing the words and phrases in English, Ladakhi and Hindi/Bengali in their handmade booklets.

Emotions withheld (about the emotions people are reminded of while looking at the imprints cast by the bomb. These imprints are not only limited to the shadow but memories as well.)

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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Emotions withheld (about the emotions people are reminded of while looking at the imprints cast by the bomb. These imprints are not only limited to the shadow but memories as well.)

NAME:  Bhavya Mimani


August, 1945

A year of destruction.

A month of chaos.

A day where all was lost.

A moment when humanity ceased to exist.

Arms were scathed, bodies dissipated into thin air, and loved ones were gone within the flick of a switch.

It was just a warning for them. A warning to show a glimpse of the power they withheld. Power that destroyed the lives of those who never got to see the world. Lives of those who never became fathers. Lives of those who left behind their daughters.

The Devil Works Hard but I Can Guarantee the Barbie Marketing Team Works Harder

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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The Devil Works Hard but I Can Guarantee the Barbie Marketing Team Works Harder

You may have been driving and seen a pink billboard with nothing but a small text at the bottom ‘July 21’. No image, no text- but people know in an instant that it is Barbie. Barbie has literally painted the world pink this summer causing its global shortage.

Not content with setting box office records this year, Barbie is also writing a playbook on how to market a film.

The Role of Technology in Education: Enhancing Learning Opportunities

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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The Role of Technology in Education: Enhancing Learning Opportunities
  • Technology has revolutionised the way students learn and interact with information. From interactive whiteboards to online learning platforms, technology provides endless possibilities for personalised learning experiences and access to educational resources.
  • By integrating technology into the curriculum, schools can engage students in dynamic and interactive learning activities that cater to their individual interests and learning styles.

Fostering Leadership Skills in Students

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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Fostering Leadership Skills in Students
  • Leadership skills are essential for success in school, careers, and life. By fostering leadership qualities such as communication, teamwork, decision-making, and empathy, schools empower students to become confident and responsible leaders.
  • Through leadership development programs, extracurricular activities, and service-learning projects, students have the opportunity to hone their leadership skills in real-world contexts.

Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII

Event Date: 04-10-2024

Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_2
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_3
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_4
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_5
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_1
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_2
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_3
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_4
Virtual Field Trip to Museo Galileo of Florence, Italy - Class VIII_5

Class : VIII

Date : 22.09.2020

A short virtual tour in a Petrochemical plant, a museum called Museo Galileo was visited by the students of class VIII B based on the topic :  “Engineering Sustainable Synthetic Fabric”. YouTube videos of the museum and its18 rooms were visited by the students of class VIII A during the online class.

The Benefits of Outdoor Education: Learning Beyond the Classroom

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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The Benefits of Outdoor Education: Learning Beyond the Classroom
  • Outdoor education provides students with valuable opportunities to connect with nature, explore the environment, and engage in experiential learning. By stepping outside the classroom, students develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and gain a better understanding of ecological principles.
  • Whether it’s hiking through national parks, participating in environmental conservation projects, or studying local ecosystems, outdoor education offers a hands-on approach to learning that fosters curiosity and exploration.

The Importance of Financial Literacy Education

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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The Importance of Financial Literacy Education
  • Financial literacy is a critical life skill that empowers students to make informed decisions about money management, budgeting, saving, and investing. By incorporating financial literacy education into the curriculum, schools prepare students for financial independence and success in adulthood.
  • Through interactive lessons and real-world examples, financial literacy education equips students with practical skills they can apply throughout their lives.


Fri 04 Oct 2024
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One day, I was completely blindsided in school- I had to give a test that I had not prepared for because I was under the impression that the test was going to be on another subject entirely. Needless to say, it did not go well.

Cogitations of a Teenager

Fri 04 Oct 2024
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Cogitations of a Teenager

As an adolescent, you may have heard the phrase “You’re still living your childhood,” from any adult with whom you may have spoken. As adolescents, we have had little experience, but we’re learning every day. As a generation, we are learning to forge our own paths in life, but this has led to the stereotype that we are impulsive and lack maturity. Adults may have an advantage in knowing more about the actual world and the various problems life brings forth for them. We may know nothing about them, but they disregard the fact that we, as teens, are living in a different period of life.

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